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5 Benefits of Getting Routine Facials

5 Benefits of Getting Routine Facials

Your skin tells the tale of your daily life. The foods you eat, the quality of your sleep, the stress you endure, and exposure to sunlight all take a toll on your skin.

Following a routine skin care regimen is the best weapon you have for fighting the daily assault on your skin. But even diligent skin care gets a much needed boost from the intensive cleansing, hydration, and treatment of a customized facial.

The skilled team at Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton, including expert plastic surgeon Rafael C. Cabrera, MD, FACS, and skilled medical esthetician Loredana Jurist, CME, LE, PMUA, offer a variety of facials along with personalized skin care plans that fight your facial challenges.

Though many people view facials as a great way to occasionally pamper their skin, the fact is that regular skin treatments are essential for maintaining glowing, healthy skin. When you get regular facials, you gain these vital benefits:

Exfoliate and cleanse on a deeper level

As you go through the day, your skin encounters environmental pollutants, bacteria, and dirt, all of which mix together with your facial oil and dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. While daily cleansing removes the grime, home routines don't accomplish the same exfoliating and deep cleansing as a facial.

Professional exfoliating stimulates your skin's cell turnover rate. New skin cells form in the deep layers of your skin, migrate to the surface, and replace dead skin cells that regularly slough off.

This process, called skin cell turnover, significantly slows down as you get older. As a result, dead skin builds up on the surface, making your complexion appear dull and tired. Getting a facial on a regular basis enhances your appearance by preventing this problem.

Hydrate and nourish your skin

You use moisturizers on your skin at home, but they can't hydrate and nourish your skin in the same way as the products we apply during a facial. The intensive cleansing and deep exfoliation of your facial allow the products we use to penetrate more deeply.

We also use medical grade skin care products that deliver a higher level of hydration than over-the-counter products. Additionally, we nourish your skin with specialized products that target your unique skin problems.

Open your pores

Many of our clients who schedule facials are plagued with clogged pores in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, and acne. During your facial, we use gentle techniques and targeted products that detoxify your skin and draw out the oil and dead skin clogging your pores.

Extracting blackheads and whiteheads should always be done by a medical professional. Squeezing and picking only forces the clog to go deeper into the pore, causing irritation and inflammation. We carefully eliminate the problem without causing further damage.

Rejuvenate your appearance

The products we use during facials treat age-related changes in your skin. Facials tighten your skin and strengthen the vital skin barrier that holds in moisture and blocks damaging substances.

With routine facials that keep improving your skin and maintaining the results, your facials can diminish aesthetic problems such as:

Your complexion appears smooth and radiant with maintenance facials.

Put the brakes on aging

The first four benefits work together to slow down the effect of time on your skin. However, we also offer anti-aging facials. These facials include a range of medical grade products that firm and revitalize your skin by boosting collagen and elastin production. 

With more collagen and elastin, your skin gains the strength and elasticity it needs to fend off wrinkles and give you a more youthful appearance.

If you're ready to schedule a facial or you have any questions about skin care, call Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton or book an appointment online today.

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