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Get Faster Results With TheSmarterLift™

Facelift surgery does an exceptional job of turning back the effect of time and rejuvenating your appearance. But not everyone can set aside several weeks to recover from a full facelift. And some people aren’t prepared to cover the cost.

Many who come to our office seek to lift and tighten their face. They want longer-lasting results than they can get with noninvasive skin treatments, but they’re not ready for traditional facelift surgery.

That’s why Rafael C. Cabrera, MD, FACS, offers TheSmarterLift™ at Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton. This unique procedure gives you a refreshed, more youthful appearance with no overnight stay required and full recovery in about a week.

Aesthetic improvements with TheSmarterLift

Though your genes, daily skin-care regimen, and overall exposure to sunlight over the years affect the rate at which your face ages, everyone goes through the same process. Your skin naturally progresses through age-related changes that you can’t control.

As you get older, your body produces less collagen and elastin, leading to skin that’s thin, loose, and prone to wrinkling. The cushioning fat that lies just below your skin starts to thin out and move around, clumping in places where you don’t want it and allowing your loose skin to sag.

These changes lead to common signs of aging such as:

When you choose TheSmarterLift, we can address all these aesthetic concerns, smooth away the signs of aging, and refine the contours of your face. Though it’s not a full facelift, we don’t skimp on the quality of your care or your results. In our skilled hands, you will love your vibrant new appearance.

You can also count on natural-looking results with TheSmarterLift. You don’t need to worry about skin that’s too tight or that changes your facial expression. You feel fabulous and look like a younger version of yourself.

What should I expect during TheSmarterLift?

When you choose TheSmarterLift, we lift your cheeks, jawline, and neck and restore poorly defined features. These are some of the advantages of this innovative procedure compared to a full facelift:

Shorter procedure

TheSmarterLift procedure only takes 1-2 hours. That’s half the time of the typical traditional facelift procedure. You also don’t need to stay overnight. You can choose to relax and recover overnight in our calm, fully staffed recovery suite, but you don’t require intensive medical care after TheSmarterLift.

Faster recovery

Most of our patients recover within one week of having TheSmarterLift. That’s at least half the recovery time needed for a full facelift. Most people need 2-4 weeks before they’re ready to face the world after traditional facelift surgery.

Lighter anesthesia

We give you local anesthesia or light sedation for TheSmarterLift. By comparison, a full facelift usually requires general anesthesia. This means you can avoid the potential risks that go with general anesthesia when you choose TheSmarterLift.

Lower cost

TheSmarterLift costs significantly less than a traditional facelift. We can talk with you about all the details during your initial consultation.

If you’re ready to learn more about how you get faster, beautiful results with TheSmarterLift, schedule a consultation by calling Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton or requesting an appointment online.

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