Will My Breast Implants Last Forever?

Whether you face breast augmentation surgery with confidence or trepidation, you can depend on the expertise of Rafael C. Cabrera, MD, FACS, and the exceptional team at Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton. We help you navigate each step, explaining your breast implant options and guiding you through the many choices that ultimately determine your results.
Choosing the breast implant’s size, shape, and type takes center stage. However, our patients also have another important question: How long will implants last?
In our experience, we’ve learned that misconceptions about breast implant lifespans abound, so let’s explore the issue and set the record straight.
Types of breast implants
You can choose a saline or silicone implant. Both have a silicone-based outer shell. If you want a saline implant, the shell is filled with sterile saline (salt water). A silicone implant contains a silicone gel.
Saline implants may be pre-filled, but they’re usually empty when we place them in your breasts and then we fill them with saline. Silicone implants are always pre-filled to a specific size.
Each type has pros and cons. For example, silicone has a more natural feel and texture, but saline is less expensive. We discuss all of the details during your initial consultation.
We use both types for breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, and revision surgery when the original implants need to be replaced — a process you’ll face no matter which implant you choose.
Breast implant lifespan
Breast implants last at least 10 years. Yours may stay in good shape for 20 years or longer. However, after 10 years, the chances of an implant rupture increase by 1% yearly.
You won’t need new implants for as long as they look good, stay intact, and don’t cause complications.
These are the four most common problems that require new implants:
1. Breast hardening (capsular contracture)
Your body naturally develops scar tissue around the breast implant. Scarring is usually beneficial because it helps hold the implants in place.
Some patients develop thick scar tissue that hardens and misshapes their breasts. In severe cases, the scarring causes pain and tenderness.
2. Rippling
Both types of implants can ripple, or wrinkle, but this problem most often occurs in saline implants. You may want to get new implants when extreme rippling is visible.
3. Implant rupture
Saline and silicone implants can both rupture, but the effect is different for each.
Saline implant rupture
You’ll notice the rupture quickly if you have saline implants because the fluid leaks out and your breast size and shape dramatically change. The salt water disappears as your body safely absorbs it.
Silicone implant rupture
It’s not as easy to tell when a silicone implant ruptures. The thick silicone gel doesn’t leak out of the implant like salt water. Instead, it stays inside the shell, and a small amount slowly leaks into the surrounding tissues.
Over time, you may notice that your breast looks uneven or smaller. Or you may experience sensations like tingling, burning, numbness, or swelling.
Because silicone may be leaking into your body without visible signs or symptoms, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that women with silicone implants get routine ultrasounds or MRIs to detect leakages.
FDA guidelines suggest an ultrasound or MRI 5-6 years after implant placement. Then, they recommend scheduling imaging every 2-3 years for as long as you still have the implants.
4. Change in implant position
As aging leads to breast sagging, your implants may move out of place. Losing weight may also affect the implant’s position.
Do you have breast implant questions?
If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, or if you already have implants, we’re here to answer your questions.
We can help you choose the best procedure and choose the implant option that’s right for you. Call Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward enhancing your appearance.
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